Come to Big Oak Canyon for an evening of stargazing and stories! Bring a chair or mat to lie on, and warm clothing to get cozy. Learn how to read the night sky and observe its patterns like humans have done for millennia. Learn some of the constellations and the stories that connect them. You’ll have the opportunity to look through a telescope at the stars and moon, and will hopefully leave oriented better to the natural rhythms of the sky and the seasons.
Participants are invited to camp (optional) at Big Oak Canyon over night for an additional fee. Campers may arrive at 4 PM on the day of the class and depart by 10 AM the next morning.
Telescopes will be available for star gazing.
Hot tea will be provided. Due to Covid-19, please provide your own reusable mug.

Registration Details:
When: Saturday, October 29th, 6-8 PM
Who: All ages welcome
Where: Big Oak Canyon (in Silverado Canyon), driving directions will be sent to you via email upon registration
Price: $32 per person, optional campout is an additional $30 per family
Please visit to register.